Contact Centre
You can make several different transactions via self-service, or get help from an advisor via personal service in Swedish and English.
With our digital services, it is easy for you to keep track of your finances, send money, pay bills and get an overview of your savings. Our digital services for customers are always open.
You can choose between self-service or personal service where you can talk with an advisor, in Swedish or English. Call +46(0)771-22 11 22 from outside Sweden.
To call us, you will need to have access to our telephone service, which you can order in the Internet Bank under the menu option Övriga tjänster (Other services) and Telefonbanken (Telephone banking). If you don’t have access to the Internet Bank, you can visit one of our branch offices.
Visiting address: | Landsvägen 40, 172 63 Sundbyberg |
Postal address: | 105 34 Stockholm |
Sort code: | 8901-1 |
Telephone: | +46-8-585 900 00 |
Fax: | +46-8-796 80 92 |
Tga: | swedbank |
Swift code: | SWEDSESS |
Bank Transfer Service: | 980-0012 |
Reg. no: | 502017-7753 |
VAT Reg. no: | SE663000013801 |